Love to camp but DREAD the prep work to go?
You know….research where you’ll camp, plan the menu, grocery shop, pack your gear…
Transform how you plan and pack with our
-Pam Clark from Arizona
Hey there fellow camper!
Ever been swatting mosquitoes at your beautiful lake campsite when you can’t find the repellant anywhere? – You blame your spouse….I thought you packed it ….No! I thought YOU did. You seek refuge in your hot camper from a black cloud of ruthless mosquitos.
Don’t pull out the driveway headed for that exciting new camp spot frantically wondering if you remembered all the essentials.
Use our Camping Essentials Toolkit to have peace of mind to take everything you really need. Made by seasoned campers for campers.
The Camping Essentials Toolkit will help you ….
Don’t waste any more time and energy figuring out how to tame camping trip chaos…
The CAMPING ESSENTIALS TOOLKIT supplies multiple guides and resources that are all rolled into one practical toolkit to jumpstart your planning and packing! A great camping adventure starts with good planning and packing so download our eBook guide now.
Jumpstart your planning and packing for your next camping adventure
Hi there from Pres and Janice, the folks behind BOONDOCKER Camping.
Forgetting something important when you’re in the boonies sucks! Rather than be frustrated, disappointed or anxious we developed a sure fire way to pack and feel good that we have everything we need.
The Camping Essentials Toolkit was born out of our own need to find practical solutions to create checklists and menus as well as a place to keep our research, record our trips and better organize our camping adventures.
We want you to benefit from our 45 years of camping experience and testing tools that work for us.
Happy trails!
-Jeanine DeDiana from Australia
Get 45 years of tried and true planning and packing tools! Are you ready to jumpstart planning and packing for your next camping adventure?
Leave home with peace of mind. Your friends and family back home will thank you.
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